Friday, November 30, 2012

Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch

Painted for a little fun painting competition on Facebook. The first display standard model I've painted in about 6 years. It's interesting that my painting style hasn't evolved with the times, so hopefully as I see the other competition this chap is up against my painting style will start to evolve and improve!

what ya think?

The last thing i painted was a lizardman bloodbowl team so all the colours i currently owned were for them, hence the blue ;-). "note to self i need to buy more colours ha ha"

Sunday, November 25, 2012

O'Shovah, Commander Farsight. Vi'Orla Sept Renegade Enclave

just a bit of show and tell really...

Vior'la Sept led by Commander Farsight
in city fighting/night colours.
All veterans in suits still bear the red colours of the sept on their left arm, and obviously O'shovah and his team are too hardcore to adapt the colours of their surroundings.

This was and is the first army ive produced in about 6 years, i took a little break to pursue some other things in life. And luckily with all good things GW was still around, now bigger and better!!

it was slowly being put together over the course of a few months until i got an invite from a friend of mine over a GW Spain where i got invited to their throne of skulls tournament, and then it was a manic rush to finish!!

it was nominated into the best painted category, it didnt win but still cool to be nominated. oh and i won best tau general too!!
Pathfinder Team

Fire Warrior Teams

O'Shovah - Commander Farsight and Bodyguard

Shas'O and bodyguard - twin plasma rifles and fusion blasters

Crisis Team #1 - twin fusion blasters and misslepods

crisis team #2 - twin burst cannons and flamers

crisis team #3 not pictured but in main picture - twin plasma rifles and flamers

Shas'el (Monat) - airbursting fragmentation launcher and twin burst cannons

Broadside team #1 - Twin plasma rifles and twin rail guns

Watch this space for:
stealth suit team...
Broadside team #2 (though not allowed in the farsight enclave, much needed fire power when O'shovah isnt present to rip and tank in 2 himself)...
larger farsight bodyguard (taking the team to 7)...
and with the introduction of 6th edition 40k lots more firewarriors (maybe not quite 72 though)...

what do you guys think?

update.... more tau additions covered in other posts...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Welcome Mugs... er I mean Readers :)

Ok where do i start?

Im new to blogging but seeing as where my interests lie all the other guys are doing it so i though id give it a shot.
Basically i bent over to peer pressure in a somewhat last ditch attempt to be cool!

Now this isnt going to be anything fancy just a stream of stuff I'm getting up to! Painting to conversions to other projects.

And dont expect good grammer or spelling because to be honest im no written english expert nor do i give a flying monkeys! :D

Oh and one more thing, if our viewing this from a mobile device or summit I apologise for the poor use of capital letters etc as the font I use when viewed from a computer is all in capitals :-p

so thanks for visiting and hope you enjoy...