When I set out on this project I didn't think (like a lot of projects I start) I would get anywhere near finishing it, let alone starting it!
And now here I am talking about it in its 6th volume! That's an achievement on its own...
Well as per the title suggests I still have no bloody job. I'm getting closer but nothing yet. For those that have recently joined my blog may just think Im a lazy jobless geek.
Truth is I country hop for my profession, spending seasons abroad and coming back to the uk soil just to rack up some pennies or await the next season.
Right now that's out the way back to hobby chat ;-)
And as the title suggests me having no job means I have had all the time in the world to focus on this project, amongst other projects.
So here is what I have been up too....
Dire Avengers
As you may recall from one of the previous instalments of the Goodwin Project I started with the colour scheme on the Exarch for these guys. So here they are in all their glory. I'm hoping to keep the greens flowing through all the units in this project. A nice simple pallet.
Avatar of Khaine
Well I'm not really a great fan of this guy, many a mistake were made whilst painting him and he took far too long which made me give up slightly. But I got there and here he stands.
Bases and faces is an old saying from a friend of mine that makes a model stand out. So he has a glowing magma face and a simple yet effective base ;-).
Karandras the Shadow Hunter
This guy has had a ton of great feedback on my flickr pool. Also featuring on GWs flickr feed in white dwarf daily. I wanted him as simple as possible. Using just a handful of colours I managed to bang this guy out in a night. He's my fave model of the army, from the pose to the scheme.
Even in the game I love him. Most are focused on a glowing avatar, towering wraithlord or lightning fast strikes from my falcon to even notice this guy! And he is not someone to forget about...
Scratch Built Objective markers
Bit of fun one afternoon.
I'll try and write up a bit more on these soon.
The Falcon has been started so another Eldar Update coming soon...