It's been a few weeks since my last update so here's a quick one, but there's plenty more to come really soon...
I don't consider myself a painter or hobbyist that has a fan base or group of followers for one second but I regularly update on here, post some pics on Facebook, Flickr and Coolminiornot etc and have started to get some regular feedback.
It's all just for a bit of fun really.
I had a question recently asked about my painting set up, how I create what I do. It must be impressive etc.
Well here's the surprise. It's not.
As I am now only at home in the UK less than 6 months of the year, and overseas working the rest, I still rent a room at my parents house. So as its not my house to do what I wish with it I simply have to make do.
Money is a little non existent to spend on the luxuries of my hobby, so all I have to my name is just short of 30 paints, mainly primary colours so I can just mix away and 5 quite past there time brushes. But as long as I can still apply paint I crack on!
No fancy lamps or wet pallets, just an old lamp with a normal bulb and a piece of mdf with some plasticard glued to it.
I have no desk I simply paint on the floor in the foetus position! And I store everything on 2 coffee tables I got for £1 each at Tesco.
So there you have it... My painting studio, ghetto style!