Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Goodwin Project vol.4 strippers!

So with the majority of the miniatures are here with the odd few still to come, Dark reapers and swooping hawks, I thought I would get a head start with stripping some of them down.

Now this isn't going to be tutorial on how to strip miniatures as from experience, other bloggers have got alot of stick from readers about the stuff used to strip thier minis of paint.
So this is simply just an update on how the army is going and some of the products you can use to strip miniatures.

Nitromors "green" the supermarket available version. Less toxic but I would still use a face mask and rubber gloves! dont use this on plastic minis or in a plastic tub. and obviously do your best not to get anything on your hands despite wearing gloves!!
Dettol, my school used to use this when you cut your leg in the playground to clean it up. Now I use it to strip paint. This stuff stinks but is a lot more safe than nitromors, plus it's cheaper and more readily available! also a great benefit of this is it doesnt melt plastic like nitromors.
i usually leave them in soak for a couple of hours, then give them a scrub with a tooth brush. Then pop back into soak. Remember to still use gloves and a mask though. It's safe but stinks in large quantities.
Sealing the top keeps the whiff in!

Karandras all cleaned up and converted into a challenging pose. The step down from the emblem to engage his victim! May their gods protect them!
the wraithlord in all his glory, cleaned and ready for spraying.
some of the aspect warriors. just need to order some more bases as i cant find anymore lying around.

i managed to aquire the older avatar miniature for the army. look at him all cute next to the current version. still think its an epic mini though and will take centre place when i choose not to use the farseer.
the mini i managed to get was missing his cloak but not to worry, a bit of plasticard later for create the basic shape before green stuffing the folds onto it.
more to come very soon